
The Cleanup function safeguards your meeting room system, ensuring data confidentiality and a clean digital space.

In this video, we'll cover the 'how', 'when', and 'what' of effective data cleanup and security.

Key takeaways

The Settings page showing the options to set when cleanup happens
The Settings page showing the options to set when cleanup happens
The Settings page showing the options to set when cleanup happens

Set when cleanup happens

Set when cleanup happens

Set when cleanup happens

Set when cleanup happens




Decide when automated cleanup kicks in: after inactivity, a scheduled time, post-meeting, or upon user disconnection.

A popular option is post-meeting cleanup, guaranteeing a secure space ready for the next user.

Lianne Customer Success manager
Lianne Customer Success manager

Learn with Lianne

Learn with Lianne

Learn with Lianne

Meeting running over? Simply cancel cleanup and initiate it from the home screen when your meeting is over.

Meeting running over? Simply cancel cleanup and initiate it from the home screen after your meeting has ended.

Part of the Cleanup settings where the user selects what type of data is included
Part of the Cleanup settings where the user selects what type of data is included
Part of the Cleanup settings where the user selects what type of data is included

Select what data is included

Select what data is included

Select what data is included

Select what data is included




Next, decide what data the Cleanup should target. This may include system folders, downloads, or temporary files. To guarantee a fresh startup and data confidentiality, ensure downloads, chats, and temporary content are cleared before each new session.

The It admin can also choose what applications are closed or signed out of
The It admin can also choose what applications are closed or signed out of
The It admin can also choose what applications are closed or signed out of

Choose the apps to sign out + close

Choose the apps to sign out + close

Choose the apps to sign out + close

Choose the apps to sign out + close




By setting a PIN, you determine who has the authority to add apps and modify the interface settings. This added layer of security ensures that meeting room participants don't alter the room's configuration by mistake.

Rónán LOgue Customer Support Manager at DisplayNote is here to help

Help from Rónán

Don't have all the answers?

Don't worry, these security options are available to you at any time, they can be found in the PIN-protected Settings menu.

A champion of the solution sharing their knowledge with colleagues about the solution while it is on the screen in the meeting room

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Dive into curated learning materials, invaluable resources, and in-depth guides. Deepen your mastery of the solution and lead with confidence.

Dive into curated learning materials, invaluable resources, and in-depth guides. Deepen your mastery of the solution and lead with confidence.

A champion of the solution sharing their knowledge with colleagues about the solution while it is on the screen in the meeting room

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