Extended grid

Extended Grid enabled in the Settings on the main display allowing for up to 9 participants to share their screen
Extended Grid enabled in the Settings on the main display allowing for up to 9 participants to share their screen
Extended Grid enabled in the Settings on the main display allowing for up to 9 participants to share their screen
Extended Grid enabled in the Settings on the main display allowing for up to 9 participants to share their screen
Extended Grid lets you expand the amount of screens that can be viewed at once. When enabled, your Grid View experience will change from a 4 screen view to a 9 screen view. Allowing more participants to be invited in from the lobby.

You’ll interact with Extended Grid the same way you do with your current Grid View. Inviting connected participants to share their screen, selecting a screen to enlarge to full view and play audio, with the invite more users moving to the bottom right hand side of the screen.

To check whether you have this enabled, head to the Settings at the bottom left hand side of the home screen and head to Session Management.

This feature will be turned off by default, to enable this, first you must have Moderator Mode turned on. Once Moderator Mode has been turned on, you can then enable Extended Grid View, found just below Moderator Mode.

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Turning on Moderator Mode or Extended Grid will create a new session with a new Session ID, so remember to re-connect in order to start sharing.

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Rónán LOgue Customer Support Manager at DisplayNote is here to help

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Having more than 4 screens in view at once is very intensive, so you may experience issues with performance.

Features + Settings