Take Control and Enhance Visibility

Take Control and Enhance Visibility

Take Control and Enhance Visibility

Take Control and Enhance Visibility

4.35 / 2.35

Released on


15 Jul 2024

Screen Sharing

Broadcasting a main display to participant devices and other screens in the room
Broadcasting a main display to participant devices and other screens in the room
Broadcasting a main display to participant devices and other screens in the room
Broadcasting a main display to participant devices and other screens in the room

Summer brings a host of exciting features to your Screen Sharing toolkit, centered on user experience. We've put control back into the presenter's hands by introducing new Broadcasting functionality for improved content visibility and Remote Control for full management of the main display from a device.

Introducing Broadcasting

We’re enhancing our screen sharing solution with advanced broadcasting technology to ensure a seamless experience. This added functionality simplifies the user experience, improves visibility for any audience, and makes better use of other displays in the space.

Broadcasting to participants

Allow presenters and educators to broadcast their content directly to participants’ devices from the main display. Designed with simplicity in mind, the live broadcast runs quietly in the background, allowing presenters to continue discussing their ideas without distractions.

Broadcasting to other displays

Extend the broadcast to other displays, enhancing visibility throughout the space. Simply connect each additional screen using its Session ID, creating cohesion between the hardware and software in the room. Whatever happens on the main display is shared across all connected displays, ensuring everyone has a clear view.

More flexibility with Remote Control

We’re giving users more control by allowing them to navigate the screen sharing session from their device and control the entire display, including access to the system, other apps, and tools. This gives presenters the confidence to control a session and the freedom to do so from anywhere in the room.

Control securely

To ensure only educators and presenters can control the display, Remote Control can only be accessed if a user has joined the session through 'Connect as a Teacher.' This security measure allows presenters to lead the session securely from their own device.

These new features can be turned on in Settings on the main display under the newly listed 'Display Options.' Once enabled, users will see a new Broadcast option at the bottom of the home screen, allowing them to broadcast to participants, other displays, or both. Additionally, the Remote Control option will be available on their device when they join a session via 'Connect as a Teacher.'

Our Head of Product, Luke has put together a quick demo of these features, which you can check out below:

We’ve got your training covered

Exciting new features come with training and awareness to ensure all users are confident with new tools and functionality. Head over to our Screen Sharing Academy to learn and share resources to make sure presenters and audiences alike are confident using new Screen Sharing features.

Let's take a look

Please note, the availability of features in this version may be impacted by hardware compatibility and will only be accessible on supported devices. For further information, or if you encounter any issues, we recommend checking with your screen manufacturer.